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Frizzy Hair Tips - ANDI

Frizzy Hair Tips

When it comes to summer, frizzy hair is the last thing you want. Hot temperatures, humidity, and dryness are just some of the reasons certain hair types struggle with frizz this time of year. But how do you get rid of it?

Step 1: Hair Care

The first thing to remember is that hair care is essential. Before you buy any products, you want to figure out what hair type you have and take into consideration your environment, as well as what elements might be causing your frizz. Taking a hair type quiz can be helpful with this (try this hair quiz for great recommendations from a brand we trust).

Dae hair products
Image from daehair

Step 3: Find good accessories

Next, finding accessories that help maintain smooth, silky hair and keep the frizz at bay is a must. My favorite Shop Andi product that aids in this is our satin scrunchies. Satin is known for preventing split ends and will not absorb the moisture from your hair like other fabrics can! Wearing satin and investing in other satin products like pillowcases and hair bonnets can keep your hair soft and tamed during any time of the year!

Satin Scrunchies from shopandi collection
Image from Shop andi

Step 2: Leave-in Conditioner

lastly, you want to find hair products such as leave-in conditioner and hair masks that will moisturize and nourish your hair all day. Some products have conditioning properties as well as heat protectant. This can help with both styling and frizz, as well as giving your hair a beautiful shine and keeping it healthy. Dae hair products are our personal favorites, and pictured is their leave-in conditioner. 

leave-in conditioner from DAE hair
Image from daehair
Don't let Frizz ruin your summer plans, or your summer looks! Try these tips and let us know how they worked for you. Here's to a Frizz-Free summer:)
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